Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Web Browsers

About a month ago I started to fiddle around with my internet browsers and started to uninstall, install, and reinstall a couple variety's of internet browsers. I checked out the Google Chrome, the Apple Safari, Opera, and Firefox. I enjoyed Firefox for a couple years, but then I had this Mac fetish and had to install Safari.

Google Chrome
This one is a simple one. But it just didn't fit my needs. I need a browser that is mostly customizable and that is a dependable browser. This one is not the one for me. It is fast, and simple. But hardly customizable and is still a little bit bugged up because of it new taste in the internet society. I had an experience with one bug for the uninstallation and re-installation. While trying to fiddle with the Chrome, screwed up the theme, then uninstalled and tried but kept failing to reinstall Google Chrome. Then I figured that the bug was an uninstallation bug, and the files that were stored in windows after an installation and had to be removed before you could reinstall. This Error is specified as Google Chrome Error 6.

Apple Safari
This one is not too customizable either which is the only negative I would have to say. (but not if you are a Mac lover) Everything else is positive. The new look organization of the Apple Safari is gorgeous new glassy iPod look. Its lovely and fits as a part of the Apple Family very well.

Now, Opera. The customization magician. You can almost change anything you want on this baby. You've got hundreds of widgets that you can use in Opera along with a bunch of other functional features, for example; the trash can. Check its website out if you want to know more about the features.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with Firefox, except beauty unlike the Apple Safari. Needs more Glass? I could say. Had this one for about 4 years and loved it. Has plug-ins, fun themes, speed, and safety. Check it out, if you like it great! If not, sorry Firefox.

Well, I currently have the Apple Safari. Want me to make a tutorial on something about Apple Safari that you are confused about? Comment! :D


Okay, Apple Safari has not been letting me access some webpages on the internet weirdly enough. So, I changed to Opera. Now Opera is acting weird and wont let me log in to Youtube.com or Blogger.com. Right now, I am editing through Internet Explorer... Lame...
I guess I am heading back to Firefox. Currently the best browser out there.